Book Review: The Pucking Wrong Number by C.R. Jane

Rating Scale: ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


When Monroe answers a text from an unknown telephone number, “Give me a second chance, babe…and I’ll blow your mind” she’s not expecting the cocky, arrogant stranger to continue to text her all week until she becomes so immersed in daily conversations with him, she considers the unknown person on the other end of the phone her friend. When she asks for a picture, he reveals his name to her and eventually asks her to meet him in person; this starts several unexplained events for Monroe that only Lincoln can solve.

The Pucking Wrong Number is a dark romance novel that stars our antihero Lincoln Daniels who will do anything for his girl. He is over the top obsessed with Monroe and finds ways to keep her relying on him until she eventually has no choice but to have Lincoln take care of her. Lincoln had me wanting to scream at the pages of all the underhanded things he did to Monroe. You would think a witch’s spell cursed you.

The thrill of The Pucking Wrong Number keeps you guessing until the end. It’s a story of obsession, suspense, and, of course, love. If you’re looking for a book that’s slightly different from the usual romance fare, this is the one for you.

Monroe and Lincoln sure have a tug-a-war relationship. Monroe questions her place being with a superstar hockey player whose lifestyle differs from hers. She works two jobs, goes to school, and barely gets enough sleep before her day starts again. She doesn’t need a man to sweep her off her feet or make it easy. She is very independent, and there is a heartbreaking backstory.

Lincoln is a mentally obsessed hockey player who only sees Monroe and concludes he only lives for Monroe. I love how Monroe still gives this hockey player a run for his money and doesn’t back down from her beliefs! But WOW…Lincoln has all the cards laid out and plans to make Monroe just as obsessed as he is until he wins her love.

This book so far is a top read for me this year, and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series. This was my first time reading from this author, and it won’t be my last! You’ll be pucking yourself forever if you don’t buy this book and find out what happens next! Grab this book by author C.R. Jane!


Book Blurb:

One text to the wrong number…mine…and everything changed.

He won’t tell me his last name, and maybe that should throw up a thousand red flags, but when I’m all alone in a new city and struggling to make ends meet, his texts are the lifeline I’ve been desperate for.

But I never would have answered that text if I’d known that Lincoln Daniels, superstar hockey player extraordinaire was the one sending them.

He’s trying to sweep me off my feet now. He says he’s obsessed.

He wants me wearing his number…permanently.

The question is…is he still the wrong number, or can this hockey god prove he’s Mr. Right?

*Note: Lincoln Daniels is a morally grey antihero who is obsessed with his girl and will do anything to keep her. This is a darker hockey romance.

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